crwn clothing image


Crwn Clothing

This e-commerce site provides an intuitive shopping experience for customers, with a minimalistic design and easy navigation. The use of GraphQL allows for efficient data fetching, reducing the number of network requests and improving site performance. The combination of React, Redux, and Hooks provides a scalable and maintainable codebase, allowing for easy feature additions and bug fixes.


  • React Router Features a responsive pages with hyperlinks to distinct clothing categories, integrated using React Router.
  • Google Firebase Authentication service is utilized to implement secure user sign-in functionality, with user data stored in a NoSQL Cloud Firestore database.
  • React State The cart feature is implemented using React state management, with items added and removed using state hooks and localStorage for persistent storage.
  • Stripe API Payment processing is handled through the Stripe API, which securely collects and validates user payment information before submitting it to the Stripe server for processing.

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React, Redux, Hooks, GraphQL